Touch pure with CO2 Sensor
The Loxone Touch Pure withCO2 sensor expands the Touch product family. Previously equipped with atemperature and humidity sensor, this new version of the Touch Pure comes with acarbon dioxide sensor. This way, you can monitor the air quality in the room and, for example, have theventilationreact accordingly. Or, you set it to announce a specific voice message: “Warning: bad air quality. Please ventilate.”

Why is measuring C02 important?
A healthy room climate, i.e. pleasant temperatures in connection with ideal room air, has a significant influence on our well-being. The air quality of a room is influenced significantly by the CO2 concentration, in addition to the air humidity. CO2– or carbon dioxide – is a colorless and odorless gas that is a natural and important part of the air around us.

What is the perfect room climate?
In higher concentrations, however, CO2 hasnegative effectson our health and can lead to discomfort such as headaches and lack of concentration. Especially in closed rooms like in the office or your home office, a CO2 measurement often delivers higher values. In order to work in a concentrated manner and for well-being, regular,intelligently controlled air exchangeis therefore so important, which is made possible – among other things – by the new Touch Pure with CO2 sensor.